Nothing has changed, or at least not much

Some points to note:
1. Trump got less votes than last time
2. In places where Harris said "I'm speaking" over people protesting genocide she comprehensively lost, despite Biden getting 80% there last time.
Folks didn't turn up to vote for people who speak but don't listen, and who are in the pockets of the wealthy. It isn't the rise of fascism, but the inevitable failure of small L liberalism, the status quo so beloved by some people because it serves them well, even though it serves the vast majority of us extremely poorly. The hole it left has been filled with liars and spivs.
It's gonna be hard times in the USA because the reptile party are more openly anti working class. The others were never going to deliver - they never put Roe v Wade into law, for example, just used the promise of it to keep support. Similarly, every time some legislation might benefit working class people and hinder the raw accumulation of capital you get someone like Sinema blocking the legislation. I think the Dems probably have a "demon of the month" rota set up.
Under Biden some folks were doing fantastic work using the remnants of the old anti corruption and monopoly laws to stop corporations robbing and lying and that will now come to a crashing halt.
You have a similar problem in Britain. Starmer got less votes than Corbyn. The Tories lost because people were tired of them, but in fact apathy won. We're seeing a similar authoritarian turn cloaked in small L liberalism and outright lying here, too.
Underneath the mask, its the same dead eyed system trying to crush the world and turn it into profit, and the same dead eyed politicians with different coloured ties allowing it to happen. The whole thing needs to go.